Project Newleaf is a creature collector RPG inspired by the Shin Megami Tensei and Mother franchises with 18 playable monsters. It features various turn-based battle elements that I hope to expand on both here and in other projects. Originally developed in 4 weeks for the RPG Mania IX game jam. 


WASD to move

J for primary action

K for back

Tab for menu


Programming, art, sfx by turboshook

Camp theme and battle theme by J. S. George ( (

Forest theme by Christian Kinyon ( (


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This is a really solid demo! I love the monster sprites (I think Greatfrog is my has a powerful aura), and the battle UI is very clean.

I didn't understand Blight at first, but I went through the demo a second time with a party full of Mr. Sams and obliterated the roaches with Cold Touch/Sing Song. That's a really awesome mechanic.

The only gripe I have is the controls - having the ability to use something like arrow keys/Z/X instead of WASD/J/K would be nice.

I'd be more than happy to play this game again if you work on it in the future.

Thanks for the feedback! I am glad that you were curious enough to play through a second time, that's a high honor for a demo.

I totally agree on having multiple input options. Lots of stuff like that was cut due to the jam deadline and I tend to use WASD keys for everything myself. In a more complete version of this project I would expect to support full button remapping.

Thanks again!